• Cokemaking

Coke Quenching

Best environmental compliance
coupled with energy recovery

In the field of coke quenching, the Paul Wurth Group offers both wet and dry coke quenching systems, with all associated equipment and technological features for best environmental compliance and energy recovery.

  • Wet quenching system

In wet quenching, Paul Wurth has developed its own technology called “Lo-Mo Type”, standing for low moisture content. High dust removal efficiency is obtained in a double way by a dust abatement system and steam washing. In that way, dust contents of less than 10g/ton of coke and coke water content of less than 3% are reached.

  • Dry quenching system

Through the strategic alliance with IHI Corporation within the joint venture Paul Wurth IHI, the Group offers coke dry quenching (CDQ) technology, relying on a proven track record of CDQ plants. Being under continuous improvement, CDQ technology assures best environmental protection, highly efficient energy recovery, optimised product quality and long-lasting, stable operation.