Reliable, efficient and accurate injection of auxiliary reducing agents is vital for cost effective blast furnace operation. The term “PCI” for replacing metallurgical coke became a synonym for lowering the hot metal cost and for technology with exceptional return on investment. Paul Wurth is involved in the application of all forms of gaseous, liquid and solid fuel and reducing agents injection via the hot blast tuyeres.
Paul Wurth has been a driver of the pioneering development of Pulverised Coal Injection (PCI) technologies since the early 1980s; today, more than 80 mid-size and large Blast Furnaces worldwide are operating with our PCI systems.
Paul Wurth’s PCI plants can support blast furnace operation with injection levels above the 250kg/thm target. Simultaneously, development is focused on improving the combustion of the coal in the tuyeres/raceway area, which further enhances the customers’ gains in coke replacement.
Paul Wurth’s injection technology is based on our advanced ‘Dense Phase’ know-how resulting in minimum nitrogen consumption (reduced operating costs) and low coal conveying speed – resulting in low pipeline and component abrasion, very stable coal flow rates and reduced capital costs.
The leading position in PCI plants is complemented by a significant experience in designing and commissioning of coal grinding and drying facilities.
With regard to CO2 emission reduction, coke oven gas injection into the blast furnace at tuyere level becomes a quick winning technique, which currently becomes mastered by Paul Wurth with a number of European customers.
32, rue d'Alsace
L-1122 Luxembourg
P.O. Box 2233
L-1022 Luxembourg
Tel.: (+352) 4970-1
Fax.: (+352) 4970-2209
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