2nd December 2020
Paul Wurth, a member of SMS group, is proud to announce the signing of an important contract with the South-Korean steelmaking group POSCO for the new Coke Oven plant #6 at Pohang steelworks. This order confirms the customer’s trust in Paul Wurth’s cokemaking technology, after two successful projects have already been completed in the past on behalf of PT. Krakatau POSCO in Indonesia and for their joint venture Companhia Siderúrgica de Pecèm in Brazil.
The contract was officially signed on 23 October 2020 and includes engineering, the supply of refractories and key equipment as well as supervision services to erection and commissioning for two new Coke Oven Batteries and a complete new Coke Oven Gas treatment plant.
Equipped with an under-jet heating system, the top-charged batteries will feature 48 ovens each with an oven chamber dimension of 7.6m height and 20m length. The batteries are designed to reach a total annual production of 1.5 million tons of coke, while the Coke Oven Gas treatment and by-products plant is designed to treat a coke oven gas flow of 100.000 Nm3/h.
A particular focus is given to the environmental aspect thanks to in-house developed products such as Paul Wurth’s SOPRECO® system (Single Oven PREssure Control) for emission control and COKEXpert™ level-2 automation system for coke oven plants. All these features will enable the customer to meet the highest standards in terms of coke productivity and quality, emission control, energy consumption, user friendliness and plant safety.
The start-up of the new Coke Oven Plant is expected in 2023.
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L-1122 Luxembourg
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